Professor Colette Boskovic

Professor in Chemistry
School of Chemistry
University of Melbourne

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2024, Assistant Dean – Graduate Research, Faculty of Science, University of Melbourne

2022, Professor, University of Melbourne

2020-2024, ARC Future Fellow, University of Melbourne

2016, Associate Professor, University of Melbourne

2009-2015, Senior Lecturer, University of Melbourne

2004-2008, Lecturer, University of Melbourne

2001-2004, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Berne (with Hans Güdel)

2001, Assistant Professor, (Indiana University)

1999-2001, Postdoctoral Fellow, Indiana University (with George Christou)

1994-1998, PhD, University of Melbourne (with Tony Wedd)

1990-1993, BSc(Hons), University of Melbourne (with Tony Wedd)

Awards & Honours:

2022, Margaret Sheil Leadership Award, RACI

2020, Fellow (FRACI CChem) of the RACI

2019, ARC Future Fellowship

2017, Visiting Professor, University of Barcelona, Faculty of Chemistry

2014, Dean’s Award for Excellence in Research (Teaching and Research), Faculty of Science, University of Melbourne

2013, Alan Sargeson Lectureship, Inorganic Chemistry Division, RACI

2004, Selby Research Award, University of Melbourne

1995, Bruce West Award, RACI Victorian Branch Inorganic Chemistry Group

1992, James Cuming Memorial Scholarship (Major), School of Chemistry, University of Melbourne


Current committee positions:

Immediate Past Chair, Inorganic Chemistry Division, RACI

Committee member for the RACI Inorganic Chemistry Division Conference IC24

International Advisory Board member for the International Conference on Molecular Magnetism (ICMM)

Planning Committee member for the International Conference on Coordination Chemistry

International Organising Committee member for the Asian Conference on Molecular Magnetism (ACMM)

International Committee member for the Asian Conference on Coordination Chemistry (ACCC)